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Hosting Policy

Updated October 16, 2024

This Service Level Agreements (SLA) describes how hosting plans operate and the quality of our service. We take great pride in the work we do and want to ensure our customers are fully aware of what to expect when hosting their website or application with us.


MythCoders guarantees that your hosted websites/applications will be available 99.8% of the time, measured on a monthly aggregate. This means at most 1 hour and 26 minutes of downtime per month.

We also guarantee that 99.9% of all requests to your website will be responded to within 1 second. If your website availability or response times fall below our thresholds, MythCoders will issue an account credit for that downtime.


MythCoders offers a status page to monitor the availability of your website. Any known outages or issues are communicated through the status page. This page also displays the uptime percentage for the last 30 days and response times for the last 24 hours.

MythCoders continuously (once every three minutes) monitors the status of your website using special heartbeat and ping routes to make sure it’s up and running. Anytime an error occurs MythCoders engineers are notified via our built-in monitoring tools.

Maintenance Window

All application and infrastructure maintenance will be performed during the hours of 23:00 and 05:00. The vast majority of standard maintenance can be performed without impacting the availability of your website.

However, occasions may arise when it becomes necessary to restart or briefly take websites offline outside of the maintenance window defined above. During these times, your hosted website might be inaccessible to your customers and a generic MythCoders maintenance page will be rendered instead.


Customers will be notified of any maintenance that occurs outside of our maintenance window as soon as MythCoders knows that the maintenance is necessary. We’ll continue to update customers about planned maintenance including when it has started and ended.

No-downtime updates

MythCoders also can perform updates without any downtime or service interruption. This is possible by running two instances (or copies) of your website at the same time. When one instance goes down for maintenance the other is still available to receive traffic and process requests.

Requesting Changes


When determining a request/issues priority there can be multiple facets of the impact. Below is a guideline.

Meaning Functionality Affected Users Performance Degradation
Highest Unusable feature with no workaround, user is blocked Impacts 50% or more of users Degradation is currently happening
High Broken Feature, workaround too complex & unacceptable Impacts between 25%-50% of users Degradation is guaranteed to occur in the near future
Medium Broken feature with an acceptable workaround Impacts up to 25% of users Degradation is likely to occur in the near future
Low Broken non-critical feature Impacts less than 5% of users Degradation is likely to occur but no timeframe
Lowest Functionality inconvenience or cosmetic issue Usually impacts only a single user Degradation may occur but it's not likely

If a request seems to fall between two priority levels, assign it to the higher-priority label.

Below you’ll find some example scenarios and how the prioritization MythCoders would assign to them.


  • Users are experiencing HTTP 404 or 500 errors when using your website
  • Unable to process orders or add items to a shopping cart.
  • Customers are unable to log in to their account.
  • Security breach.
  • Data corruption/loss.


  • Customers are unable to process their orders on mobile devices but able to on desktops.
  • Emails are being sent out to the wrong recipients or with incorrect data.


  • Customers are unable to cancel orders but hosts or admins can.
  • Customers encounter an error during their request, but the request is completed successfully.
  • Emails aren’t being sent out to customers.


  • New gift cards can’t be purchased.
  • The photo gallery is broken.
  • Unable to upload images.
  • Reports are not able to run successfully.


  • Label colors are incorrect.
  • Button elements are not fully aligned.

Response Times

Priorities also determine how quickly the request must be completed. If there are multiple defects, the priority decides which defect must be fixed immediately versus later.

Unless your Service Agreement specifies otherwise MythCoders operates under the following guidelines to deliver the timely resolution to issues that may arise.


Level Response time Resolution time
Highest 1 hour 6 hours
High 2 hours 12 hours
Medium 4 hours 24 hours
Low 6 hours 24 hours
Lowest 8 hours No SLA

All other request types

Level Response time Resolution time
Highest 6 hours No SLA
High 6 hours No SLA
Medium 6 hours No SLA
Low 6 hours No SLA
Lowest 6 hours No SLA

Domain Names

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is the organization that governs the rules and regulations for domain names.

New Registrations

If you’d don’t have a custom domain name but would like one for your application or website, MythCoders is able to handle the purchasing and registration of the domain on your behalf with the Domain Registrar.

Registering a domain requires a name, address, and a confirmed email address to be on file with the Register. Unless otherwise specified, MythCoders will register the domain under your name, address, and email address. However, in accordance with our Privacy Policy, we only purchase domains from Domain Registrars that allow your information to remain anonymous to the public. Currently, we purchase our domains from Cloudflare.


If you already have a domain name registered, MythCoders will require access to your account with your current Domain Registrar. We will need to update records to point your DNS (Domain Name System) records point from your old website to the one hosted with MythCoders.


The ICANN rules that control, when a domain can be transferred from one registrar to another one, can be found on the ICANN website. These rules might result in MythCoders being unable to transfer your domain for 60 days after a previous transfer or renewal.

Revision History

Version Date Changes
3.0 October 16, 2024 Restructured. Revised Service Level Agreements and maintenance window.
Removed Environments.
2.1 July 2, 2024 Updated Environments
2.0 June 1, 2023 New Service Level Agreements
1.1 March 23, 2021 Several clarifications
1.0 January 1, 2021 Initial release

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